No Taste

Animation Short | 2021

No Taste is a musical adventure featuring a cast of comedic characters with different music tastes. A young boy Tony receives an unexpected show stopping number.

Software used: Autodesk Maya, Substance Painter, & Adobe After Effects

Created in collaboration with Megan Smith

Music By: Felix Bangert



Animation Short | 2021

Set to an electrifying soundtrack, Awakening explores the process of renewal and determination. The piece focuses on a broken robot in an overgrown post-apocalyptic setting as he “wakes up” by transitioning into a journey into the robot’s mind using colorful experimental particle effects. Metaphorically, this piece represents the hardships that humanity continues to overcome such as the recent covid pandemic.

Software used: Autodesk Maya, Substance Painter, & Adobe After Effects

Music by: Ross Bugden


Out of the Box

BFA Thesis Film | 2021

Set to an energizing inspiring original score, Out of the Box focuses on the current issues facing humanity such as the loss of human interaction and lack of creativity in everyday life, especially at work.

Software used: Autodesk Maya, Adobe Photoshop, Adobe Animate, Adobe After Effects, & Substance Painter

Accepted into: BFA Undergraduate Exhibition



Abstract Soundscape Animation | 2021

“Thalassophobia” is the fear of being in deep bodies of water, the vast emptiness of the sea, and the sea creatures that inhabit it. Set to an ominous soundscape, the abstract animation takes viewers on a visual and auditory journey into the deep sea. Thalassophobia’s soundscape evolves over time, transitioning from the calm waves of the ocean to foreboding submarine echoes.

Software used: Autodesk Maya, Adobe Audition, & Adobe After Effects

Accepted into: Soundpedro sound art festival